WHAT?! Where did February go? I have been a terrible blogger this month. All the adrenaline from the craziness of January wore off and I was totally in survival mode this month. And good news.. I survived. But.. BARELY! Whew!
First.. let's go over my goals from February.
1. Go to a movie with my husband, FOR REAL! ;-) Success!! We totally went to the movies.. and I'm embarrassed to say.. we saw Fifty Shades of Grey, obviously my pick. In reality, we wanted to go see The Hobbit. BUT, it was only playing in a theater a good distance from us (okay, 25 minutes..) and at a time that would make us have to rush back to get the girls nightly routine done.. so we nixed it. We went to a 11:30am movie because.. all hot dates happen before noon, right?! Haha it was a good movie. I blushed, a lot.. but it was better than I thought it would be.
2. Organize my storage room. Done.. ish! I organized everything BUT the things I either need to get rid of or sell. I have big plans to have a garage sale this spring/summer.. soooo.. I keep holding onto things I shouldn't. But, overall, I can walk into my storage room and find things.. I declare that.. good 'nuff! ;-)
3. Read a book. Yup! I read the second book of Fifity Shades. Listen, I'm not a HUGE fan of the first book. I don't want to be told what to do, when to do it, or how to do it. No thank you. I also don't want my girls to EVER think that's how a man should treat you. No, no, no! BUT, I'm really into what makes people tick. I love intervention because I love looking back at these people's life stories and seeing WHY they do these things. People don't just become addicts for no reason. People are so interesting. This book had me interested. I like the second one way better. WAY!
I also started reading In This House We Giggle.
If you talked to me while I was pregnant, you know I had major anxiety about how to raise kids. How to teach them right from wrong. How to instill virtues and morals without forcing them. This book has focused on those exact concepts. I've enjoyed it so far. I think it would be fun to read with a group of Christian based mamas.
4. Look into gyms. I'm set on getting a pass at the nearby YMCA.. but I haven't done so yet. I've been doing my Advocare 24 day challenge (and have lost 13 lbs.. HOLLA!!!) but haven't started working out. I mean, Jake and I did the Shoulders and Arms P90X this morning.. I haven't worked out in.. awhile. So I'll be feeling that. Baby steps!
5. Pack away the newborn and 12 month clothes. Pretty much done! It's in boxes in the girls rooms, but there hasn't been a time this month where ALL my laundry has been done.. so I keep waiting to make sure it's ALL in there before I put it away. Laundry never ends... can I get an Amen?!
6. Play dates for Bryn once a week. Check! We went to Boonshoft, Run Around Fun Town (Twice!), Air Force Museum, and over to friends houses and had friends over! Yes! Bryn was a busy girl.
So.. I would say I nailed my goals from February!
1. Jog. My goal by the end of this month is to be able to start jogging. I want to run a 5K Memorial Day weekend.. that won't happen if I don't get my butt moving.
2. Read 2 more books. Since I'm only a quarter of the way done with In This House We Giggle, that will count for March. So.. one other book. Any suggestions?!
3. Get outside. Holy moly. I am COOPED UP. I'm over this weather. I'm over the snow. I don't care if I have to bundle up the girls in thick winter coats.. I need OUT! I'm hoping by the end of the month, I can get to the park!
4. Lose 7 lbs. My 24 Day challenge "ends" March 11.. but, I don't plan on stopping my new ways of eating. My food mentality is changing, and I'm loving it. I would love to lose 7 more pounds this month. And.. how can I not be motivated to work out with these cute leggings.. LOVE them! Kohls.. :-) (Can't wait to see those thighs get skinnier!)
5. Organize My Room. I have maternity clothes.. clothes I'll never fit in again.. clothes I can't believe I ever wore.. etc. You know those jeans that you fit in senior year that you keep as your "goal" pair of jeans? Yeah, I have those.. and even IF I fit in them again.. I probably would end up just going on a celebratory shopping spree.. and not wearing them anyway. So.. get rid, organize, put away maternity clothes.. etc. It's happening.
6. Blog once a week (at least!). I've really enjoyed blogging, but it's hard to find the time to do it. I can't do it while Bryn is awake because she wants to play on the computer with me. While she naps, I try to clean.. watch Dr. Phil.. or nap. But, I want to find the time. Maybe in the mornings. We will see. But I will make more time! How else am I going to remember these days?! Mommy amnesia is REAL.
I finally got a couple of funky moles taken off. 2 stitches under my nose and 4 on my neck. The plastic surgeon said it's especially important to get them checked out after you have a baby because the hormones can potentiate cancer cells. I'll find out this week if they found anything when they sent it to pathology. :-)
That's all folks.. til next time.. I'll leave you with the sweetest profile and sweetest little smirk...
My heart just melted into a big freaking puddle.. I'm off to mop it up.. :-)
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Friday, February 20, 2015
Whirlwind of a February
HOLY MOLY! Where in the world is this month going? This has been a crazy month so far. Vivi turned 1 month. Jake went to Switzerland and Germany for 10 days. The girls and I ran a million errands. I had my 6 week postpartum check up. Then.. sickness and cold weather hit. Bryn was been down for the count. Vivian has been congested, but nothing crazy.
First off, something VERY important happened when my little was just one month and 3 days old.. a SMILE!!!!!!
Speaking of one month..
Seriously.. this girl melts my heart. I hope I don't jinx myself.. but she is literally the easiest baby EVER. I haven't had one single moment where I couldn't console this baby. Bryn was an amazing baby and I loved every little ounce of her, but the girl put me to work. She had many inconsolable moments and she had to be bounced, a lot. Vivian and I need to talk about her frequent spit up on mommy (but she's never fussy so I don't think she's reacting to the formula..)... but other than that, I think I'll keep her.
Jake left to do some business in Switzerland and Germany. He had a conference in Switzerland, had the weekend free to do his own thing, then met with some of his counterparts, traveled to Germany and did the same.He took a train to the top of the Alps and had lunch while he was there. How awesome?! He sent me lots of pictures. It was literally like a postcard. He will be traveling over there probably once a year or every other year... and this mama will be going with him at some point.. when our girls aren't so little! These were taken with his phone.. what?! So amazing.
If I said I wasn't worried about him leaving me with a newborn and a 1 year old.. I would be lying. Jake is a huge help.. HUGE. He spoils me big time and is so valuable to me. My mommy ability was totally being tested, and I was nervous I would have a big breakdown. Let me just say, I LOVE being a mom.. and I absolutely rocked those 10 days. It really gave me a lot of confidence with my mommy skills. Bryn and I were the bestest buddies.. and Vivian was an angel.
Poor girl had some skin problems while daddy was gone. Her skin was SO dry and red. It was awful.. but she didn't seem to mind. I'm thinking she either had a reaction to someone's laundry detergent (cuz it was mainly on her face) or maybe just a newborn thing. It came and went within a few days. I treated it with some hydro-cortisone cream, eucerin and coconut oil. Girlfriend was shiny for like 3 days straight.. and my lips were super soft from kissing that face. Haha!
My friend Katie and I took our kids to the Boonshoft Museum. That place is awesome for littles. Our kids loved running around. We brought extra clothes so the kids could play in the water table. Zane was really into it.. he is a freak of toddler nature.. he plays with toys the way they are SUPPOSED to be played with. Bryn was busy climbing rails.. going up the slide the wrong way.. scaling walls.. ya know, typical toddler stuff. (Note to self.. Vivian needs to be in a sling for these events.. mommy needs TWO hands to chase Bryn haha!)

I swear this girl likes me and had a good time.. she just doesn't smile for the camera.. ever. STINKER! But TRUST ME, when she candidly smiles.. it is THE sweetest thing. Ugh, even her serious face melts my heart.
Another play date we had was with Katie and her little guy again, and Alyssa and her TWO year old Peyton. It was her birthday when we all hung out. Alyssa, Katie and I were in the same sorority in college. Alyssa was my little. It's fun to take these friendships into our family lives.
Just for fun.. here is our big/little reveal back in 2008. Loved her then, love her now! (Ps.. there is Katie in the background seeing her big, Melissa.. we love them, too!)
Here are some pictures from college with Katie, too! Love my girlfriends!
I'm pretty sure we made the cutest kids ever.
After some play time at our house, we went to a indoor play house called Run Around Fun Town. That place is so cool. $5 for the whole day.. it's really close to our house so we could go home, nap, and come back! It was bounce houses, little "grocery stores".. a "vet".. a workout room.. a ball pit.. indoor slides.. They needed adult supervision because they are so little.. so we took turns climbing in all these things.. it was a mommy workout too!
It was seriously an awesome day.. and Bryn napped big time after. Double win!!!
Bryn kept pointing to this elephant in her picture book and said "Mama".. I mean.. she has never known her skinny mommy.. but.. really? Hahaha
Bryn had lots of cute little outfits this week. I love this baby.

Vivi was a doll baby, too. I could just stare at these girls all day (Oh wait, I do!). They are so pretty.

Shannon and Kelli came to visit us.. We love visitors!!! :-)
Bryn decided while they were here to climb UNDER the playpen. Besides books, nothing is used the way it's supposed to in our house.. toddlers.. Oy!...
Bryn has decided that anytime Vivi gets changed.. she NEEDS up there, too. Seriously... seriously? They are adorable.
In the mornings, if Vivian was still asleep, I would bring this little one in my bed when she woke up.. she would drink milk (only out of a bottle in bed.. because sippy cups leak).... watch cartoons.. and I would close my eyes for a few more minutes.. mmm
Sometimes I feel bad for this one. At times.. we are strictly business. She eats.. then I put her down to chase Bryn. She falls asleep.. I put her in her rock n play so I can read to Bryn. She's awake but not hungry.. she's on the floor stretching or on her boppy and I'm feeding Bryn. I try to sit on the floor and play with Bryn near Vivi.. and Bryn interacts with her.. but.. Vivian doesn't really get my full attention, except in the middle of the night (when I'm begging her to close those little eyes again). Maybe that's why she's so good.. just forced to be independent? Ugh, I just love her little face though.
Jake came home late on a Thursday after 20 hours of traveling. Yuck!
Funny side story.. I went to rent a movie from redbox. I always ask Jake what he wants to see because he just KNOWS good movies. But, I decided to do this all on my own. I picked out John Wick.. because.. Keanu Reeves.... (GREAT action movie by the way). Bryn kept playing with the dvd.. trying to figure out how to open it. Jake and I both noticed her playing with it.. but.. didn't really care. So, HOURS later, we clean up the house.. and go to put the movie in.. and it's gone! GONE! Long gone.. we looked for probably a straight hour. We figured it's with the remote that she played with and lost (still haven't found that one). Long story long.. we found in within our recliner.. not on it.. or under it.. IN it. Bryn.. Bryn.. Bryn.. our little Houdini..
I had obviously even taken a picture of her with it earlier.. caught red handed!!!
I ordered some headbands from an etsy site for the girls (and their cousins).. I was so excited to get them!!! Vivian tried it on first.. there was no one to her left.. just smiling up at God, I guess..
Then we got some REALLY awesome pictures for Valentine's Day.. I mean.. everyone was really feeling the love..
So... not quite what I was hoping for. I tried the next day and got some good ones.. Oh.. they melt my heart..
Anytime Vivian is laying anywhere.. Bryn looks at me and says "Up!" and points to where Vivi is. I already have a ton of pictures of these two together. They are best friends.
The sickness hit.. Bryn was pathetic for about 4 days straight. It has been too cold to take her outside.. so she hasn't been outside since last Friday. Coooooped up!!!!
Gosh, long few weeks. I can't believe this month is almost over. Notice in this post, it's allllll about the kiddies. This weekend, I'm gonna take a couple hours for ME! I have $10 Kohls cash and eyebrows that need waxed.. Ohhh yeahhh.. I'm gonna get wild with my ME time! ;-)
Until next time!
First off, something VERY important happened when my little was just one month and 3 days old.. a SMILE!!!!!!
Speaking of one month..
Seriously.. this girl melts my heart. I hope I don't jinx myself.. but she is literally the easiest baby EVER. I haven't had one single moment where I couldn't console this baby. Bryn was an amazing baby and I loved every little ounce of her, but the girl put me to work. She had many inconsolable moments and she had to be bounced, a lot. Vivian and I need to talk about her frequent spit up on mommy (but she's never fussy so I don't think she's reacting to the formula..)... but other than that, I think I'll keep her.
Jake left to do some business in Switzerland and Germany. He had a conference in Switzerland, had the weekend free to do his own thing, then met with some of his counterparts, traveled to Germany and did the same.He took a train to the top of the Alps and had lunch while he was there. How awesome?! He sent me lots of pictures. It was literally like a postcard. He will be traveling over there probably once a year or every other year... and this mama will be going with him at some point.. when our girls aren't so little! These were taken with his phone.. what?! So amazing.
If I said I wasn't worried about him leaving me with a newborn and a 1 year old.. I would be lying. Jake is a huge help.. HUGE. He spoils me big time and is so valuable to me. My mommy ability was totally being tested, and I was nervous I would have a big breakdown. Let me just say, I LOVE being a mom.. and I absolutely rocked those 10 days. It really gave me a lot of confidence with my mommy skills. Bryn and I were the bestest buddies.. and Vivian was an angel.
Poor girl had some skin problems while daddy was gone. Her skin was SO dry and red. It was awful.. but she didn't seem to mind. I'm thinking she either had a reaction to someone's laundry detergent (cuz it was mainly on her face) or maybe just a newborn thing. It came and went within a few days. I treated it with some hydro-cortisone cream, eucerin and coconut oil. Girlfriend was shiny for like 3 days straight.. and my lips were super soft from kissing that face. Haha!
My friend Katie and I took our kids to the Boonshoft Museum. That place is awesome for littles. Our kids loved running around. We brought extra clothes so the kids could play in the water table. Zane was really into it.. he is a freak of toddler nature.. he plays with toys the way they are SUPPOSED to be played with. Bryn was busy climbing rails.. going up the slide the wrong way.. scaling walls.. ya know, typical toddler stuff. (Note to self.. Vivian needs to be in a sling for these events.. mommy needs TWO hands to chase Bryn haha!)

I swear this girl likes me and had a good time.. she just doesn't smile for the camera.. ever. STINKER! But TRUST ME, when she candidly smiles.. it is THE sweetest thing. Ugh, even her serious face melts my heart.
Another play date we had was with Katie and her little guy again, and Alyssa and her TWO year old Peyton. It was her birthday when we all hung out. Alyssa, Katie and I were in the same sorority in college. Alyssa was my little. It's fun to take these friendships into our family lives.
Just for fun.. here is our big/little reveal back in 2008. Loved her then, love her now! (Ps.. there is Katie in the background seeing her big, Melissa.. we love them, too!)
The girls weren't AS enthusiastic to hang with each other. Bryn tried to kiss her, Peyton wasn't having it.. they started off on a rough note. (Ps.. see Bryn's hood.. later on in the day.. Peyton decided Bryn was her side kick and started pulling her around by her hood. I was DYING!) These two are going to be best buds because they are moving near us soon! Eeeeek!
Here are some pictures from college with Katie, too! Love my girlfriends!
After some play time at our house, we went to a indoor play house called Run Around Fun Town. That place is so cool. $5 for the whole day.. it's really close to our house so we could go home, nap, and come back! It was bounce houses, little "grocery stores".. a "vet".. a workout room.. a ball pit.. indoor slides.. They needed adult supervision because they are so little.. so we took turns climbing in all these things.. it was a mommy workout too!
It was seriously an awesome day.. and Bryn napped big time after. Double win!!!
Bryn kept pointing to this elephant in her picture book and said "Mama".. I mean.. she has never known her skinny mommy.. but.. really? Hahaha
Bryn had lots of cute little outfits this week. I love this baby.

Vivi was a doll baby, too. I could just stare at these girls all day (Oh wait, I do!). They are so pretty.

Bryn decided while they were here to climb UNDER the playpen. Besides books, nothing is used the way it's supposed to in our house.. toddlers.. Oy!...
Bryn has decided that anytime Vivi gets changed.. she NEEDS up there, too. Seriously... seriously? They are adorable.
Bryn became a big mama's girl while Jake was gone.. Have you seen the Family Guy commercial where Stu yells "Ma! Ma! Mama! Mama! Ma-ma! Ma-ma! Mommy! Mommy!..." I'm living that commercial... it endearing.. and annoying.. haha! ;-)

Bryn's new favorite accessory is bibs.. we wear 5-8.. at a time.. on the daily..
In the mornings, if Vivian was still asleep, I would bring this little one in my bed when she woke up.. she would drink milk (only out of a bottle in bed.. because sippy cups leak).... watch cartoons.. and I would close my eyes for a few more minutes.. mmm
Sometimes I feel bad for this one. At times.. we are strictly business. She eats.. then I put her down to chase Bryn. She falls asleep.. I put her in her rock n play so I can read to Bryn. She's awake but not hungry.. she's on the floor stretching or on her boppy and I'm feeding Bryn. I try to sit on the floor and play with Bryn near Vivi.. and Bryn interacts with her.. but.. Vivian doesn't really get my full attention, except in the middle of the night (when I'm begging her to close those little eyes again). Maybe that's why she's so good.. just forced to be independent? Ugh, I just love her little face though.
Jake came home late on a Thursday after 20 hours of traveling. Yuck!
Funny side story.. I went to rent a movie from redbox. I always ask Jake what he wants to see because he just KNOWS good movies. But, I decided to do this all on my own. I picked out John Wick.. because.. Keanu Reeves.... (GREAT action movie by the way). Bryn kept playing with the dvd.. trying to figure out how to open it. Jake and I both noticed her playing with it.. but.. didn't really care. So, HOURS later, we clean up the house.. and go to put the movie in.. and it's gone! GONE! Long gone.. we looked for probably a straight hour. We figured it's with the remote that she played with and lost (still haven't found that one). Long story long.. we found in within our recliner.. not on it.. or under it.. IN it. Bryn.. Bryn.. Bryn.. our little Houdini..
I had obviously even taken a picture of her with it earlier.. caught red handed!!!
I ordered some headbands from an etsy site for the girls (and their cousins).. I was so excited to get them!!! Vivian tried it on first.. there was no one to her left.. just smiling up at God, I guess..
Then we got some REALLY awesome pictures for Valentine's Day.. I mean.. everyone was really feeling the love..
So... not quite what I was hoping for. I tried the next day and got some good ones.. Oh.. they melt my heart..
Anytime Vivian is laying anywhere.. Bryn looks at me and says "Up!" and points to where Vivi is. I already have a ton of pictures of these two together. They are best friends.
Like.. on this day.. I had to say "No, no Bryn.. we don't throw oranges at Vivi's head". But I know, she was just trying to share with her bestie..
The sickness hit.. Bryn was pathetic for about 4 days straight. It has been too cold to take her outside.. so she hasn't been outside since last Friday. Coooooped up!!!!
Being sick.. she moves around a LOT more while sleeping. Check out that post nap hair.. OW! OW!!!!
Runny nose.. congested.. fever.. drooling.. we were definitely taking two baths a day. 
Sickness also brought a lot of this out of my child.. Attitude..
Gosh, long few weeks. I can't believe this month is almost over. Notice in this post, it's allllll about the kiddies. This weekend, I'm gonna take a couple hours for ME! I have $10 Kohls cash and eyebrows that need waxed.. Ohhh yeahhh.. I'm gonna get wild with my ME time! ;-)
Until next time!
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