Since I didn't have this blog during Bryn's first year, I decided to dedicate a post to my big girl.
Check out that BUMP! I loved my pregnancy with Bryn.. LOVED it. If you missed that post, I talked all about that pregnancy
When Jake and I were discussing what our baby would look like, red hair was never an option. BUT. I love it. I'm jealous of it. She has THE. BEST. HAIR. And.. she's beautiful. And she was born with the BEST little wrinkles and most perfect lips. It took me a bit to feel like I wasn't just going through the motions with a newborn.. I didn't feel bonded immediately. I'm not sure if that's normal or not.. I was just very overwhelmed. Nothing to do with my perfect baby.. just me. Just keepin' it real! ;-)
I know what you're thinking "she makes the most PERFECT babies".. I get it. I'll own it. Jake and I make perfect babies. ;-)
Bryn was the first grandchild and great grandchild on my side of the family. This was the Miller's 3rd granddaughter, but first here in Ohio. Bryn obviously wasn't short on people to love her..
This picture is extra special to me. One of my last memories of my grandpa sitting in his home.. and he was holding my girl. I'm hoping as the weather changes that I can take both my girls to see him in the nursing home (for those who don't know, he has very severe Alzheimers) and he can see Vivian. My grandma is really good about showing him pictures of the girls.
Girlfriend was in her crib by two months. She loved it. She has always been a really good sleeper. She slept 7 hours straight by 2 weeks.
I love that we got this picture. Kelley was pregnant with Allie here. And Vivian was not even a thought at this point. And.. this was just a little over a year ago! Haha
New Year's Even 2014
Bryn's first mass
Bryn LOVED her mat.. and HATED tummy time.
Buddies since day 1!
Valentine's Day fun last year! The picture on the left.. I made leggings out of old Vday socks of mine.. just cut off the bottom! :-)
About this time.. Bryn became a much calmer baby. At the beginning we would have to walk around a lot and do a "bouncing" motion to calm her. I should've been skinnier than I was.. cuz it was a WORK OUT! But all of a sudden, my baby would just chill!
Visiting Aunt Lo! Love her little smile.. and sassy looks.
Oh heyyyy, neck! She was around 3 months when she would finally hold her head up.
We took our girl everywhere. Here we were at Boonshoft with my little brother, Rowan!
Bryn SERIOUSLY loved this exersaucer. She played in it ALL. THE. TIME. She's looking at herself in the mirror. Right now, this one is a dirty mess in our garage (eventually it became what we used outside with her). Jake just said the other day we need to clean it so Vivi can love it as much as Bryn did.
At Uncle Trent's game with my dad! I have such a handsome daddy!
Kissing dad :-)
Sweetest little profile.
Because.. two trips would've been too much.
First visit to Tennessee to see Aunt Heather
Bryn is the perfect little traveler. I loved taking her everywhere with me. We took lots of road trips. It's a little more difficult to pick up and go with two babies. Think about it.. rest stops.. two babies.. one who can run away from me.. Oy! But I think it's important to teach them to travel as babies so it becomes second nature.
This picture CRACKS. ME. UP! She has always hated being strapped in. But.. she would just CHILL as a 5 month old.. (not to much now as a 15 month old).
Easter pictures.. don't forget your sunnies!
I can't figure out how to turn this.. but you get the point ;-)
Girlfriend's 3 month pictures.
Bryn started daycare in the Spring when grandparents were no longer able to watch her. Bryn just loved being around the kids.
That girl just loves her daddy
Bryn started baby food just before 4 months (rice cereal around 3 months). She did really well with it. I honestly think the girl was just HUNGRY because it made her such a happy baby!
Between 4 and 5 months.. homegirl started rolling. I had her in her boppy.. and found her like this. I LOVE THAT SMILE!
And that was the start of Bryn getting into EV.ER.Y.THING.
Bryn gained complete control of Emmett around 5-6 months when she was able to eat real food (and feed him).
Bryn hanging out with her new buddy Allie!!
We took our girl to Cox Arboretum. She would always touch our face when she was in our arms. She just melted our hearts.
Visiting Grandma D. She would've loved my little red head (and had a few sassy remarks about me having two kids close together.. haha!)
This girl LOVED the water last summer. We were outside A LOT! I'm super duper excited to see how she likes it this summer now that she can walk (and sit up.. she couldn't until mid-end of summer last year).
This mama LOVES a festival.
This seems to be a little out of order.. I know some of the pictures above she was already 6 months. Oh well. ;-)
At 6 months, Bryn announced that we were pregnant with Vivi.
Every year, my mom's side of the family goes to Florida. Jake had just started his new job and was unable to go. I debated on whether or not to go without him. I decided to go because I knew my family would love the extended time with Bryn (and it would be the only vacation pre-Vivi)... we had a blast. It was a lot of work. But so worth it. Bryn just LOVED it.. and I loved having her there.
My family.. minus Jake.. and now Vivi ;-)
Bryn's first Aquarium experience. From about 3-4 months on.. Bryn was/is SUCH a good baby. She was best when we were out and about.
Dinner with Great Grandma! :-)
She walked with a walker long before she walked on her own.. about 3 months.
Her hair has ALWAYS been spot on. Add some sunscreen.. and it's EVEN. BETTER.
Bryn was and still is the biggest "Pa's" girl. She loves Jake's dad!
Heyyy belly! ;-)
Bryn started sitting a couple days after she turned 7 months. Crawling and pulling up at 9 months. Walking, literally, on her 1st birthday. She was always on it with her milestones. Not early.. just right on time.
Cousin kisses
Fall was a very fashionable time for my girl. Love her pea coat!

Girlfriend's trip to the pumpkin patch. I tried to do lots with this girl for the holidays because even though SHE won't remember.. I wanted to have memories of her as an only child.
I lost a lot of pictures when my phone died and never turned back on. This must be where the gap is.I got a few pictures off of Facebook.. I know my mom has pictures from her 1st birthday and Thanksgiving.. but I don't :-(
Bryn was the perfect little Pebbles.. and Zane was the perfect Bam Bam!
My girl's first birthday party. I LOVE THAT GIRL SO MUCH
Girlfriend's smash cake my grandma made for her :-)
Woodland lights. My first time! Definitely a new tradition!!! :-)
And that's about where I picked up on here! :-)
Bryn has literally been one of the THREE biggest blessings in my life (Jake, Bryn, Vivi). She holds such a special place in my heart because she's my first. But.. her personality wins over EVERYONE. Seriously, everyone. Strangers fall in love with this girl. We can't walk out of Kroger without Bryn having a new fan.
My girl knows lots of animal sounds. Cow, cat, dog, elephant (it's impressive), lion, tiger, owl.. she thinks a turtle says "turtle, turtle" and if she could talk better.. she would think a camel says "Hey! I'm a camel".. because that's what Jake teaches her.
She knows where her eyes, nose, mouth, tongue, ears, hair, hands, belly and toes are.
Bryn can pretty much repeat anything I say.. but chooses to say.. hey, hi, dad, mama, pa, mammy, mum-mum, papa, whoa, row row,doggie, emmett, up, no, yes, thank you, please, all done, poo poo, go.. etc. Basically... she rocks.
Bryn climbs EVERYTHING. Gets into EVERYTHING. And is super interested in how to put things together. She has loved tv since she was like 3 months old. Her favorite is Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.
She loves to sing (Row you boat is her fave).. and the girl LOVES to dance.
She is so good with Vivian. And it's not something we necessarily taught her. I think it's just her nature. She's just very gentle and loving towards her. Same with our dogs. She has never been mean to them. Bryn just has a sweet personality.
Bryn also loves to close doors. Idk why.. but she REALLY loves it. Anytime she is doing something she shouldn't.. 9 times out of 10 I can divert her attention from it by asking her to shut a door. Strange. lol!
Bryn knows when she is doing something she isn't supposed to. She gets a super guilty look and falls flat to the floor so you can't pick her up (easily).
If you made it to here, you are a champion. Thanks for reading. I feel more at peace knowing I have a little bit of my girl's first year on here now :-)