Friday, April 17, 2015

My Groundhog Day

It has been awhile since I've gotten the chance to blog. Life has been CRAZY. I started my new job.. yay! Feels good to be working again. I love being a mommy.. but I'm a better mom when I'm doing something for myself.. and I LOVE what I do.
Check out my cuties lately..

Last week I had orientation in a classroom setting. And although the organization put on a really motivating and education orientation.. it doesn't change the fact that I had to sit 8 hours a day for 5 days straight. That's more draining to me than chasing babies all day. My mom was on Spring Break.. so she watched the girls all week and loved it. They looked like they enjoyed themselves, too..

So after a whole week of work, I was ready for a weekend with my family.. and just my little family. I am well aware that many moms out there are rockstars and are able to work all week.. make dinner.. do laundry.. bathe kids AND enjoy them. I am not one of them. I couldn't balance it all. I felt like I had a strictly business relationship with them and couldn't play with them. My girls also go to bed at like 7:30 (we've totally tried to make it later but.. they don't like it) so I have a small window of time with them.

That crazy week led to one of my favorite weekends EVER!!!! Saturday is my official Groundhog Day to this date.. I would relive that day OVER and OVER and OVER.

We woke up at 5:30 (well, the girls woke us up.. haha). We made them breakfast.. made our breakfast.. and drank our coffee while the girls hung out.

The girls played with Jake while I went to the grocery. The ONLY change I would make to my day would be that I got a Starbucks while I was there. I didn't because I had already had my morning coffee.. but.. I regret it.. still. Ya'll.. there is something about grocery shopping these days.. I just LOVE it. I look forward to it so much. I'm weird and aware of it.

When I got home, we put away groceries. Cleaned up around the house a bit.. and played with the girls. They went down for a nap.. Jake and I went down into the basement to do our P90X together. If you have the opportunity to work out with your husband.. DO it. Especially things like P90X where some of the moves are so ridiculous.. we laugh so hard.. and push each other. It's one of my favorite things to do with him. I had missed the previous days work out so when we were done, I did my missed work out.

When I was done, Vivi was up but Jake was taking care of her. So.. I got to shower.. put on make up.. AND blow dry my hair. What?! That never happens! Heaven!

Bryn woke up from her nap shortly after and we went for a long walk to a park. It wasn't the closest park to us.. but we wanted to get a good walk in. And it was perfect outside. 70.. no clouds in the sky. Ah! We played at the park but it was really busy and a little difficult to watch our wild child.

Bryn loved it. She LOVES going down slides. She gets so smiley and says "ready, set, GOOOOO". So cute. I lied when I said the only thing I was missing was Starbucks.. the only OTHER thing I would change about this day would be Vivi's age. Don't get me wrong.. the girl is FUN. But on days like THIS one.. I wish she could run around and interact more with Bryn and us. We will repeat this day in a year! ;-)

On the way back, Jake said "this is your favorite day, isn't it?". He just KNOWS what makes me happy.. a simple day of doing things with my family.
He thought our cups were funny. "His" water and "her" spark.

When we got home.. it was already 4pm. We had chicken marinating so we lit the grill and had a little cookout. We opened up the windows and enjoyed an early dinner.

We played with the girls a little more.. and they went to bed around 7:30. Jake and I watched a move and hit the hay.

I am NOT a complicated girl. THAT was a simple and perfect day. The kind of day that maybe wouldn't stick out because it's the kind of thing I do all the time.. but.. it doesn't always flow so well. Not everything falls into place. The weather changes.. Jake's at work.. Bryn or Vivi is fussy.. I don't get to work out.. or if I do.. I don't get to shower.. There are SO many variables.. and it is usually impossible for it to all work out. But.. on THAT day.. it did. And it was perfect.

I love my little family!!!

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