I start my new job Monday. I'm really REALLY excited. Next week will be hard because it's orientation.. Monday-Friday all day away from the girls. Yikes. That'll be rough. BUT.. it's my mom's spring break so they'll be with her.. I'm sure she will just HATE that! ;-) But after that week.. I should only have to be away from the girls 2-3 mornings a week. Bryn will love it haha!
Speaking of things Bryn loves.. Tennessee. We went this past weekend to visit Jake's sister and family. Bryn and Vivi thrived in the whole situation. From the car ride, to staying up late, to sleeping in a different environment... they were SO good. The only downside.. I don't think Bryn even looked in my direction all weekend. She's definitely a Pa's girl (like.. followed him around all weekend) and LOVES playing with her cousins. I just love visiting them. Their house is perfect.. up on a mountain.. perfect view.. so quiet.. there's CHICKENS.. I mean, I'm about to pitch a tent in their front lawn and live there.
I don't intend to ever move.. the majority of my people are in this area.. but if I ever move.. you can find me RIGHT. THERE.
How old until a kid can start babysitting? I'm ready to hand over my girls to Addy any day now. She is SO good with the babies. Just a little over a year ago we were in Tennessee and Addy dropped Bryn (on a dog.. so it was all good.. and she definitely didn't mean to). On this trip.. she was a pro. So much changes in a year. Like.. Vivi wasn't even a thought at this point last year...
Their driveway. Smokies in the background.. my little girl.. perfection.
Yesterday, we decided to dye some eggs and do an Easter egg hunt with Zane and his mommy. I was really hesitant. I thought the kids were too young. Maybe after we colored them.. the kids could decorate them with stickers. But.. Katie really thought they could do more than I thought. And she was RIGHT. I couldn't believe how good the kids were while coloring eggs. They were so gentle with the eggs.. followed directions perfectly.. and were soooo quiet and intense the whole time. It was pretty amazing. After they colored them.. they put stickers on them. They loved it and threw a fit when it was over.
I think Bryn is going through a growth spurt.. she is eating me out of the house.. and begs for food. "Hey Zane.. whatcha got there!?"
We cut up trash bags.. taped them to the table.. got the kids naked down to diapers.. and we were ready (let's be honest.. with 3.5 kids.. it took us about 40 minutes to get everything together haha!)
So intense!
Vivi patiently watched us in her golfer outfit.
After we decorated eggs, we took them outside for an Easter egg hunt. Neither baby had done it before. They caught on SO quick. Kids are so amazing.
This chick hung out with me. It was a little windy.. so we tried to bundle her up. Poor girl couldn't put her arms down. Bahaha
Vivian has some serious little sister "problems". The only time I can talk to just her.. is if Bryn is asleep. It's not a jealousy thing. Bryn doesn't come over and demand MY attention.. she demands Vivi's attention. If Vivi is cooing.. or smiling.. Bryn wants it to be at her. It's honestly the sweetest thing. So when I was taking pictures of Vivian the other day.. Bryn jumped right in.

I'm telling you.. these are NOT staged.. this is just how sweet Bryn is with her. She kisses her.. snuggles up with her.. I love these babies so much.
Beauty queens. Bryn is the smiliest kid.. until you put a camera in front of her. I swear she smiles and is soooo happy all the time.. she just doesn't like it captured apparently.
Jake gets off at noon today for the weekend. Whoo hoo!!! We are grilling out tonight and getting ready to enjoy our long weekend together. Hope everyone has a great Easter!
Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies; and whoever lives and believes in me will never die.
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