I have fallen off the wagon when it comes to church. I LOVE church. I always have. I even remember as a little kid if we missed a week, I felt weird and didn't have a good week. It just makes me feel so good. I love the message. I love that I can go to my church and feel at home.. but I also love that I could go to ANY church and 90% of the mass will be exactly the same. I need to get back into it. It's hard with Bryn. I mean, I haven't taken her as a toddler (she's stayed home with Jake whenever I go).. but girlfriend won't even sit for 2 seconds at home.. now put her in a bench, with me holding her.. and trying to be quiet. Yeah, right. But I've got to figure it out because I know the feeling it gives me.. and I want my girls to feel that "warm and fuzzy" feeling, too.
Easter coming reminds me all of this. I love watching Bryn hunt eggs.. and dye eggs (which she does.. because she is so stinking smart).. open Easter baskets.. eat candy.. run in the grass.. see our blooming tulips... etc. I love ALL of that. But, I can NOT wait to sit down with her and explain Easter and what it represents.
"So you know how we always talk about Jesus in church? Well.. he died. No, no, stop crying. It's OKAY! He came back to LIFE! But.. first he was bled to death on a giant torture device. And then he was alive again, except still dead. And that's why you get this chocolate bunny! Happy Easter!" ;-)
Okay, I'm going to have to figure out a little better way to say it. But I just LOVE everything that Easter represents. It's what everything I believe is based around.
Tomorrow will be filled with lots of singing "here comes Peter Cotton tail.. hopping down the bunny trail..".. lots of candy.. lots of mini Easter egg hunts inside and outside.. over-the-top outfits.. family time.. and lots of fun and laughter... BUT.. don't forget the reason for the season. Rejoice not only for the fun kiddo activities.. but also the Resurrection.
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