Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Quiet Time

Writing this is NOT because I am in the business of giving out parenting advice because LORD KNOWS I need as much advice as I can get. Trial and error is a Miller family favorite. Lots of errors in parenting. Plus, everything that worked for Bryn, doesn't work for Vivian.

But!!!! THIS might be the most brilliant thing I've implemented in my home. I'm home with the girls Tuesday- Friday all day. It's Heaven. Except, it's not always. Hehe. I am a mom. I am a wife. But I am STILL Ashley. I still have to have ME time. And if I don't take a mental break from my girls, I get a little crazy. I'm a better and more patient mom with a little down time. I used to think I needed to be on mom duty sun up until sun down. I would feel guilty to do ANYTHING that didn't involve my girls. And I always was entertaining them. I was EXHAUSTED. 

About a month ago, I implemented "quiet time". Vivi takes a morning nap from 9am- 945. But Bryn and I would still be playing, reading, etc. I decided to start putting her in her room to play independently during that time so I could clean, read, or JUST SIT and watch tv. 

At first, she wasn't a fan. But honestly, it was a super easy transition. She cried the first day maybe 5 minutes? Then played the rest of the time. Now, she cries for about 3 seconds and gets over it and plays hard the rest of the time. 

Check out that baby playing all alone. This picture cracks me up because I put it in selfie mode and reached around the corner so she wouldn't see me. See the shadow of my arm? I'm so sneaky.. and probably slightly crazy. 

The grocery bags are individual quiet time activities.. puzzles, coloring, legs, etc. Eventually, they will make it into individual containers. Someday. Hehe

SO, there it is. My most brilliant and sanity saving idea yet. 

And then this might be a close second..

Vivi can sit, but still isn't awesome at it. And definitely not well enough to sit in a slippery tub. Now, my babies get to play together. SO CUTE. Ps.. how different are their complexions? Love it. 


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