Wednesday, November 11, 2015

A Day in the Life of a Mom of Two under Two

These days are the best days. People always say that to me. "You'll look back on these days and they will be the best days of your life". I have a hard time NOT believing that because.. I am LOVING it. And, I'm tired.

Bryn will be 2 in two weeks. Stop it. How did that even happen?? And Vivian is 10 months. The holidays are coming, which means I'll be non stop doing ALL the fun things holidays have to offer (and picking up extra shifts at work to fund all my holiday fun things). Our anniversary, Bryn's birthday, Christmas and then Vivi's birthday.. all within about 5 weeks. Sounds expensive and busy, right? 

I figure now is as good of time as ever to document what my days look like right now because in two months when things settle down, it'll all look different. 

As of now, I'm working every Thursday through Saturday night. So my week looks like this:
Monday- Home all day with babies
Tuesday- Home all day with babies
Wednesday- Home all day with babies
Thursday- Home all day with babies (except on this day, I nap when they nap and leave for work when Jake gets home)
Friday- Jake takes the girls to daycare, I sleep, I pick them up, and then when Jake gets home, I go to work. 
Saturday- Jake takes the girls to the YMCA while I sleep, I wake up around 230-3 to play with them, then head to work. 
Sunday- The girls hang with Jake, usually out doing something until noon or 1 when I wake up and my stent of days off begins! Usually this is the day we do something with friends or family.

It's busy, but it's the perfect schedule for us right now! Jake is obviously a huge help and never complains. He's pretty cool. 

So those "Home all day with babies" days are the days I will describe. I feel really lucky to have a job that makes it feel like I stay at home full time with the girls, but I'm also working full time. Best of both worlds. I seriously LOVE nursing. But that's besides the point. 

Our day usually starts around 6am. Bryn yells out "mommmyyyy, mommyyyy" and sings a little song (Eeee iiii eee iii eee iii oooohh). If she's crying when she wakes up, I let her stay in there a little longer. Waking up crying= a bad morning. Waking up singing= a good morning. We have way more good mornings than bad. 

Vivi usually wakes up around the same time or about 15 minutes later. Diapers changed. I usually put their day clothes on right away and make breakfast. 
Bryn usually eats toast and yogurt or a nutrigrain bar. Vivi eats a nutrigrain bar or pancakes and then a bottle.

Around 630- 645, Jake gets home from the gym. The girls watch Mickey Mouse or Little Einsteins. (And lately, Bryn has been requesting "Ho Ho" shows.. how did she even know?!) While he showers and gets ready, I listen to music, make coffee, light candles (I'm a smell FREAK), unload/load the dishwasher, and make breakfast.  Toast, turkey bacon, avocado and egg. The only thing that changes is whether or not I have turkey bacon and/or avocado. Today, we had toast and eggs Haha! Someone needs to hit the grocery! 

Jakes heads off to work around 730. Bryn always tells him "Go make da monnneyyyy!". I clean up the house for about 30 minutes. My house is always 30 minutes from looking clean. Doesn't mean it's actually clean. But it can LOOK clean, hehehe! In fact, I think I need to clean the bathrooms today because I can't remember the last time I did. Yikes.

For the most part, on my days off, I go to the YMCA. When it's nice out, we walk. It's only a half mile or less from my house. I take the girls to the daycare and do one of the classes. There is always an hour class I like usually at 835 or 935. After the class, again if it's nice, we go to the park which is between the YMCA and our house. Since it's starting to get colder, I'll be in the "family gym" more. They have it set up like a little gymnastics room. It'll be a good area for the girls to get energy out. 
** Some days we just lay around in the morning. Clean a little, play a lot, do some refereeing between the girls, color, craft, take walks, play outside, play dates. Our morning varies. But MOSTLY, I do the gym.

By the time we get back to our house from the Y, it's about 11- 1130 and time for lunch! Bryn was never picky and ate everything in front of her until recently. Now, whatever I can get her to eat is just fine with me. Vivi has a really cool habit of throwing every other bite onto the floor. Lunch is.. messy. 

Around noon, I lay the girls down for a nap. They both usually talk to themselves for 20 minutes and then go to sleep. Neither of them really fight me on it. Bryn even requests "night night" time sometimes. 

Jake comes home around 1230 for lunch. Watches Sports Center, updates me on his day, and vice versa, then heads back. Then, for a glorious hour, it is MY time. Sometimes, I deep clean the things I can't do while the girls are up. Sometimes I nap. Sometimes I sit and watch tv. Sometimes I shower and make myself look human. Yesterday, I crafted. Just depends on my mood. But on Thursdays, I always nap because it's my only sleep during a 26 hour period. 

The girls wake up around 230. We usually stick around the house in the afternnoons unless I need to go to the grocery. We clean up from the morning activities, do a lot of playing, crafting, play outside, go for walks.. whatever. Nothing too crazy. The girls are usually pretty calm right after their nap and will let me Pinterest, read, make dinner, etc. 

Jake gets home around 5:30. Ahhhh. My favorite time of day. :-) We eat dinner all together... forabout 5 minutes before Bryn deems herself "allllll done" after eating 3 bites. The dinner struggle is REAL. Jake and I attempt to update each other on our afternoons, but it's usually interrupted by "Daddy, read!", "Daddy, dance!", "Daddy, SING!".. or crying. Bryn is manic around Jake, She thinks he is her personal dancing monkey.. and he pretty much is. 

After dinner is bath time, and whoever isn't bathing the girls does the dinner dishes. Post bath is PJ, reading and snuggling time. We read a LOT of books. Like, a lot. Bryn is obsessed. 

The girls go to bed around 7:30. We LOVE their early bedtime because we still get to watch a few shows together, have some quiet time and relax. We always have "our shows" and then our individual shows. We are currently watching The Walking Dead, The Blacklist, Heroes, and The Voice (even though we are like 7 episodes behind). 

Bedtime comes around 930 or 10. Vivi still wakes up once at night on most nights, mer. Aaaaand... that's our days!

So simple, right?! It really isn't bad! I always say that overall, I have really awesome days. Some moments are rough, but I don't have a lot of overall BAD days.

I'm sure things our schedule will change as the weather does and as the holidays come.. and as Vivi begins to WALK. Yikes.

<3<3 Ashley

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