Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Bryn Marie Turns TWO

I can't believe my biggest baby just turned TWO (November 27). I tried to get a post in prior to her birthday, but with the holidays, birthday party and my crazy work schedule.. A few days late will do.

It seems like just YESTERDAY, I was an overwhelmed new mom just coming home from the hospital with the teeniest tiniest baby that apparently I was responsible for. I was terrified and so anxious over whether or not I would be a good mom. I am very proud of how far I've come since that day. I really do feel like a good, competent mom.. most days. Even more so, I'm proud of the little girl I'm raising.

Bryn is the COOLEST KID EVER. Just ask her mom. I say it all the time, but she really is equal parts sweet and sassy. The girl knows what she wants, but also won't hesitate to apologize (and mean it). She runs at us full speed just to give us the best hugs, ever. She hugs and kisses everyone when she goes to sleep, or is leaving a party.. even if they are strangers. Speaking of strangers, I'm not sure Bryn has ever seen one. She is very outgoing. She is tough, too. She can topple over, onto concrete, and she will get up and keep moving while telling you "I'm OTAYYY!". She is very into pretend, lately. We do a lot of pretend tea parties here. And LOTS of hide and seek. I can sit on the couch.. put a pillow over my head (very obviously RIGHT THERE) and she will pretend she doesn't see me. "Hmmm.. where's mommy? In this SHOE? Nooooo. Under the blanket??? Nooooo. Oh! (Moves pillow) I FOUND YOUUU!". Seriously, so sweet. And we do it all day.
Bryn also really loves puzzles, coloring and blocks. And makeup. Oh, Lord! I can't leave my room door open without her sitting at my vanity getting into my makeup. Bryn also is into shoes. My shoes and her shoes.. and don't you dare try to tell her to take them off because.. world war 3.
She can count to 15 on her own. And can pretty much say anything. AND THE. GIRL. CAN. SING. I make fun of those people that say "I've been singing since I was two". But.. my kid really does. Any song. It's amazing. We almost always have music on because it seems to keep her in a good mood.

We aren't potty training yet, even though I'm pretty sure she's ready. She asks all the time to go potty. But, with it being the holidays, and we are always on the go.. we are waiting until January to commit to potty training. Lazy parenting? Most definitely. WE just aren't ready for that kind of commitment yet. She is still in her crib. I guess they say to keep them in until they try to climb out? Well, we haven't run into that issue yet. So, we will keep her contained until we can't any longer.

There really aren't a whole lot of things that stand out as "bad" behaviors for Bryn. All the normal toddler stuff. Yesterday she liked toast, today.. she doesn't. She throws fits. She wants candy.. or cookies, all the time. She doesn't sit well at the dinner table. Nothing too crazy. She is pretty good, and predictable.

Basically, my kid is awesome. I don't look at "milestones" for my girls because.. who freaking cares. I don't care what they are supposed to be doing at this age and I'm not comparing them to anyone. All I know it, I hit the jackpot when it came to kids. And I LOVE that Bryn is my oldest. I just LOVE THAT BABY.

 Seriously, have you ever seen a cuter little red head? Ugh, I love that baby SOOOO MUCH!!!!

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