I have a clean house, laundry is in process, TV shows are caught up and babies are napping.. WHAT in the world am I supposed to do?! Bask in my awesomeness, that's what! ;-)
I decided to post a little bloggity blog. I'm bored, the house is peaceful, and I follow the coolest bloggers that do a "What's Up Wednesday?" so.. I borrowed the idea!
Cute, right?!
What we're eating this week: So, I saw on one of those facebook quick food videos, a "pizza grilled cheese". Listen, I salivated watching it, and just happened to have the ingredients. I made it for dinner and lunch. My husband loved it. It's a winner!
2 pieces of wheat bread, butter on one side and on the flat top. Add a slice of cheese (mine was colby), pizza sauce, mushrooms and turkey pepperoni. It literally takes.. 4 minutes?! And it's amaaazing!
What I'm reminiscing about: My big baby just turned 2 and my little baby is about to turn 1. I can't help but reminisce about how fast it goes. I mean, this time last year, Bryn had JUST started walking, and Vivian was still in my tummy. That blows my mind. They say it goes fast, and ya'll... it does. It really does. Like, this was only a year ago. But Vivi now wears that outfit. What? Weird.
What I'm loving: I am LOVING Bath and Body works candles right now. The Marshmallow Fireside is my surprising favorite. It makes my house smell so cozy. I bought 6 candles on Black Friday and have been obsessing over them.
What We've Been Up to: Last week, a clogged drain pipe lead to a pipe bursting in my basement. Oily, black water ALL over. Not fun. So, I've been home bound most days while the process gets rolling with insurance claims. My learning curve has been CRAZY high lately. A lot of people in and out checking it out, a lot of phone calls.. very stressful. My husband and I have actually handled it all VERY well. There was a time period, where if something stressful was happening, he and I kinda took it out on each other. But, we've really learned to ban together in crazy times. I love that guy.
What I'm Dreading: Ummm, I can't think of anything in particular. I work 4 nights in a row this week, that doesn't sound fun. But, it's not that I don't like work.. I actually do. I just don't like being away from home that many evenings. But, I also don't want to be at home 7 days/nights a week, then I don't enjoy it as much. Haha.. my mind ya'll.. it'll exhaust you! ;-)
What I'm Working On: Currently? Laundry. I have a LOT. My laundry room is in my basement. And I'm usually behind anyway. But, add on all the extra chaos down there.. yikes.
What I'm Excited About: I have a lot of excitement coming up. Jake's work Christmas party is coming up, and I'm not two weeks away from giving birth this year.. so I'm looking forward to not having to wear a circus tent to the party. I'm also really looking forward to my girl's Christmas party. I love a good 'ol girls night. My sisters are coming in town for the holidays, which always puts a little pep in my step. AND of course, Christmas! Vivi's very first Christmas!!! Eeeeek!!!
Oh, and we just purchased Justin Bieber tickets. Yup, I've got the fever. And I'm SOOOOOO excited. I mean, it's not til June. But come on.. I can be 26 and a Belieber, right?!
What I'm Watching/Reading: It has been a WHILE since I've read. That's on my New Year's Resolution list. (Book Club anyone?!). But, Jake and I have been watching The Vampire Diaries. We used to record them but hadn't watched them since.. February?! So we started watching it. Love it. We are huge dorks.
What I'm Listening To: Michael Buble's Christmas album. I'm not saying I don't like you if you don't like Michael Buble.. but I will say I definitely will question your judgement if you don't. It's so good. SO GOOD for the soul.
What I'm Wearing: A lot of sweats. A lot. When I do get dressed, I've been loving my plaid and leather jacket with skinny jeans. LOVE.
What's I'm Doing this Weekend: Working.. ALL. WEEKEND. Thursday- Sunday night!
What I'm looking Forward to Next Month: I have REALLY fallen off the wagon with my health. The holidays make my work schedule less consistent, so I make the excuse that I can't consistently work out.. so WHY work out.. at all? Makes sense, right? And if I can't work out.. why eat healthy? Again, total logic. I've fallen off. And I'm totally going to be a New Year's Resolution girl and get back on it next month. P90X, here I come!
And, my baby's 1st birthday! Eeeek!!!
What Else is New: Things are just GOOD right now. Last night I actually asked my husband "WHY are things SO GOOD right now?! What are we doing differently??" He had no answer. I don't know why, but things are just GOOD. Maybe cuz Bryn decided to start listening to me and doesn't throw fits. I'm not sure. But life is great!
That's it! Littlest Babe is UP, after THREE HOURS.. and Bryn is still sleeping. Crazy! This never happens!!!
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