Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Two Year of Pregnancy-- Part Two.. My Vivi

So I'm a few days from having our Vivian Leigh and I. AM. PUMPED!!!!!
There are quite a few reasons I'm pumped. One being, I have totally hated the hormones this pregnancy.  They are AWFUL. At some points, I have been.. tolerable. But, for the most part.. I am a hot mess. Another reason I'm pumped is because my body has hated me this pregnancy. I am so sore, all the time.. I've been hobbling around for about 20 weeks. And if I sit on the ground.. Lord knows I'm not getting up without assistance (which, as you can imagine, is quite difficult with a toddler). But the reason I am MOST pumped.. is to meet this little girl. I'm SO SO SO anxious to meet her. What color hair will she have? How big? What kind of personality? Will the same tricks I used with Bryn work with her? Eeeeek! Such a sweet little mystery!!!! :-)

This pregnancy started out on somewhat of a sad note. We unexpectedly found out we were pregnancy mid March. We were in shock. I hadn't been tracking my menstrual cycle because I had been pregnant.. and then breastfeeding.. so when I randomly wondered if I was pregnant, the positive test was a complete surprise. We were uneasy at first.. I mean, we had a 3 month old. How were we going to do this.. again and so soon. We were nervous, but quickly  became excited for Bryn to have a sibling so close in age. We knew it would be hard.. but Jake and I are totally up for any challenge. We weren't really sure how far along I was.. like I said, we hadn't tracked anything so we made an appointment for a few weeks later to find out how far along I was. Unfortunately, the day before that appointment, I started heavily bleeding. And.. to spare the details, I ended up miscarrying. We were devastated. If you are a close friend, or even family member and didn't know.. know that we barely spoke about it. It really is only now that I am completely at peace with it. Because of that surprise little Miller angel, we decided we WERE ready to have another and that although we knew it would be difficult, we thought Bryn would love having a sibling so close in age. So yes, this pregnancy was planned.. but it wasn't our plan all along. God had a whole plan for us that he hadn't told us about. And although we still get sad from time to time, we know this little Vivian wouldn't exist without our little angel baby. All in His time.

So, a month and a half later, we became pregnant. We were nervous about how quickly it happened and were hesitant to tell people. But we were excited.

This pregnancy was a lot different then Bryn's. I was sick like Bryn's.. but I was an emotional mess. I think between the hormones from the miscarriage and the new pregnancy so close together.. it made me a hot mess. And honestly, it lasted essentially this whole pregnancy. My feelings get hurt extra easily, things that typically wouldn't phase me feel like life/death, and my poor husband has had do deal with it all. I have my good days. But, not enough to make up for my bad ones. In fact, we swore from day 1 that this HAD to be a boy. I felt so different.. must be a boy, right?!

Here was our little announcement! Look at our little one, announcing she is becoming a "big" sister. 
 With Bryn, we waited until our 21 week appointment to find out the sex. We weren't in any rush. This pregnancy, I was DYING to know. We knew the due date was just a month after Bryn's birthday... so if it was another girl, we needed nothing but diapers. a crib and such. If it was a boy, we needed a ton. So.. we went to a facility in Springboro called Bright Beginnings at 15 weeks to find out the sex and get 3D ultrasound. SO much fun. Jake's mom (his dad was working), my parents and my grandma all came.. and we found out it was another GIRL! Eeeeekkk! We would've been happy with anything, but I think it'll be so fun to have two girls so close in age.. and already having almost everything we need is a huge plus! :-)

When Gary got off work, Bryn greeted him with the news! Big sister is getting a little sister!!! 

I didn't take many pictures this pregnancy.. mostly because I felt like I had a million extra pounds on me to begin with.. and then started gaining baby weight. Only towards the end of this pregnancy did I realize, WHO CARES?! We went to Florida with my family that June. My husband couldn't join because he had just started a new job. But, my family never has the opportunity to spend long extended periods of time with my girl, and I didn't mind the extra work to take her to Florida.. so off we went. It was a blast, but I'll never go without him again. We missed him and I felt awful having firsts without him around.

 My sweet lil family of 3.. with the 4th in my belly!!! :-)

Couple of weddings this summer with my Vivi belly

 Strawberry festival! Doesn't Bryn look like just a teeny tiny babe.. not a BIG sister to be?!

Aaaaand.. the baby bump starts progressing. I think I was 22 weeks here..

                                  That bump is so convenient for holding this chunk! ;-)
About the fall is when my body began to fall apart. Evenings were the worst.. I would get soooo sore. I blame a lot of it on the weight I still had on me from Bryn's pregnancy. I naturally have a little frame (you can't tell much anymore).. and all this weight really took a toll on my body. Sciatic pain, back pain, swelling.. it began extra early this pregnancy. It also doesn't help that I was chasing a toddler. I would get so down on myself when I couldn't do something.. I have heavily relied on Jake since about late September. That is hard for me because I want to be able to do it all. It actually got better towards the very end. But looking back at these pictures.. I know I was struggling.

 Jake's Christmas Party for work. 36.5 weeks prego. Oyyyy!
 38 weeks pregnant.. girly Christmas jammie party! Couldn't miss out on fun with my girls.. especially when it the attire was so perfect for a super prego lady.

 Aside from my emotions and my body hurting, Vivian has been a little joy to have in my belly. Every time I would start to get down, she would move.. a ton.. and it reminds me WHY I'm doing this. She has been way more active than Bryn. My blood pressure never was higher than 130/80.. and the majority of the time it was 120/70. Jake has been a HUGE help to me and has really gone above and beyond. Does he get annoyed with me? Duh. Does he think I'm a drama queen? Definitely. But he rarely shows it. He has been a gem and I can't wait to start this new chapter with him (and remind him how awesome I am when I'm not pregnant hehehe).

Over the past couple of weeks, my body has progressed from 1 1/2 cm dilated.. to 3cm.. to now 4cm. My body never did that with Bryn. We are getting sooooo close! We will have a new addition to our family by the end of the weekend.. and as I said at the beginning.. I AM PUMPED!!!!

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