Our morning started a few minutes after 6.. typically we wake up between 5:45 and 6:30 every morning (Vivi and I also got up at 2:45am.. but.. I was don't consider my day started at that point. MORE SLEEP, PLEASE!)
Vivi woke me up, then fell back asleep for a few minutes.. apparently when I took this, I was half asleep too. I was looking GOOD! ;-) Keepin' it real..

Feeding the doggies first thing, otherwise, they follow me around like.. lost puppies hehe
Butt changing time. This is our new setup. This was a brilliant move by my husband, we now have a place up high that Bryn can't reach to let Vivi sleep.. and a changing table in our family room. Is it how I pictured my beautiful family room? No.. no it's not. But is it functional for us right now.. yep! Someday, I'll claim my home back to decorate and look super cute.. but for now.. this is what I'm working with.. and that's okay! Girlfriend is fed and wide awake. But, no time to sit and enjoy.. I think I hear her big sister..
Oh heyyy, pretty girl! Light too bright?!
Typically, we spend some time in the mornings in our PJs.. I love a good morning in PJs with my girls. But, Bryn had soaked through her PJs. Yuck. So we got dressed right away. Isn't she the prettiest thing?! And had breakfast. Pancakes and mandarin oranges. Mmm mm mm!!!
Bryn is into EVERYTHING.. she is a busy little body. So, we always put up our baby gate (there are stairs to our basement through our kitchen and she is no longer afraid of them).. close the door to the bathroom and our room.. which leaves her able to play in her room, Vivi's room and our family room.
Bryn LOVES legos (Jake actually informed me their mega blocks.. men, hmph!). She brings them to us MULTIPLE times a day. The routine is the same.. she dumps them out.. spreads them around the whole room.. helps me build something.. then knocks it down like Godzilla.. on repeat.
Jake and I put a bunch of toys in her room so she would play in there.. but I found her in a diaper box.. many times. Who needs toys?!
Morning cartoons..

While the girls hung out in the living room, I threw my hair up.. made my bed..threw some dishes in the dishwasher.. and folded a load of laundry..
Bryn is into EVERYTHING.. she is a busy little body. So, we always put up our baby gate (there are stairs to our basement through our kitchen and she is no longer afraid of them).. close the door to the bathroom and our room.. which leaves her able to play in her room, Vivi's room and our family room.

Once I contained the beast, I sat down for my cup of coffee

Vivi chilling with us! Such a good baby! Tickle, tickle, tickle! ;-)
Jake and I put a bunch of toys in her room so she would play in there.. but I found her in a diaper box.. many times. Who needs toys?!

Bryn normally lays down for a nap from 9-10am and 1-3ish pm. She took neither of those naps. She did play in her bed from 9:00-9:30.. and slept in the car later.. but.. no nap. More times than not, she throws everything out of her crib.. that girl. I tell ya what..
After our morning shenanigans,
we decided to take a trip to visit Mammy (Jake's mom) at work. I worked there part time so I know the girls there. So fun! Funny side story: One of the women was saying "Bye" to Bryn.. and we were waiting for Bryn to wave bye.. but instead, she walked over to the door and closed it on her. It was hilarious. Love that girl!!!
Sleeping on Mammy
After we went to Mammy's work, we decided to go to Mum Mum's (my moms) to visit because she was off work! My grandmother, Mo, and my Aunt Cindy, who was in from San Diego, came over as well. It was a good afternoon. My mom has a bearded dragon named "Puff". Puff is like the bad boy that you should stay away from, your scared of, but you keep going back. Bryn likes "bad boys".. she can't get enough of Puff, but she's scared.
We sang "Mr Sun" with Raffi..
And sat in baskets.. because that's what their for, right?!
When we got home from our visits, I made another cup of coffee and lit a candle for Jake's cousin's brother-in-law (Ashley's husband, Justin, came into the family about the same time I did. We kinda bonded on trying to figure out this Miller family we were entering. My heart hurts so bad for the loss of his brother, Joey. We just love the Rileys!). Joey was killed overseas a few days before Thanksgiving. He was 27 and a week from coming home. And, an American Sniper. Yesterday would have been his 28th birthday. Can you even imagine? I can't. I just can't.

I showered up while they played. I took a picture of my shiny face. Coconut oil has become my best friend. After seeing how many stretch marks I got from my pregnancies (which are sloooowly disappearing with the oil), I know my skin is very apt to get wrinkly.. so I put it all around my eyes to prevent wrinkle. We'll see in 10 years if it helped! Hehe
Bath time for my girl!!I'm obsessed with her hair and those blue eyes. OB.SESSED.
While I got Bryn's PJs on.. Jake bathed Vivian. Eventually, I will bathe them together. But Vivi is just a little too fragile at this point. Look how delicious she is after a bath..
Evening play time..
Dinner time! Typically, on Sundays, I try to make a crock pot of soup/stew. It helps us throughout the week for when I don't feel like cooking. I usually cook 5 nights a week. Also, Jake comes home for lunch daily so this gives him a quick, easy option. Last night, I didn't feel like cooking..

While Jake showered, Vivi and I caught up on Dr. Phil from earlier in the day (I have recorded this show for like 10+ years.. guilty pleasure)
Then, Jake and I watched Celebrity Apprentice and ate some popcorn.
And I was in bed around 9:30. Very typical day. I love it. Our normal is changing as Vivian figures out her daily routine.. and will change again when I go back to work. Simple days like this make my heart full.
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