Girlfriend mostly sleeps during the day and is up at night.. but we are slowly rectifying her sleep situation. I give her a bath at night to stimulate her so she will stay up for a bit. I start the bath about 2-2.5 hours before I think I'll be ready for bed. For the most part, I give Vivi a bath and Jake gives Bryn a bath at the same time, but I give Vivi a bath at the sink (she still has her umbilical cord so she can't have it saturated just yet).. and Bryn is in the tub. Jake is LOVING the age Bryn is at.. it's so fun to hear them in the bathroom playing.. all while my newborn HATES bath time Haha!
But.. Bryn is VERY unhappy when bath time is over.. and Vivian is perfectly content..
Last week, Jake was off all week with me. It was HEAVEN! Like I said in a previous post, I was not a gem to deal with this pregnancy. And this past week, I have felt like my old self again. Care-free, happy, and loving time with my hub. We had a blast this past week getting to know our new baby, helping Bryn adapt (which was SUPER easy) and feeling connected again. We took turns each night with Vivian. One night, he would do all the feedings and I would sleep the whole night.. then the following night we would switch. It was great. He really loved being able to bond with Vivian. If you don't know my husband, you should. He is the best and has the sweetest soul.. I think that's why Bryn is such a sweetie. His parents say when they watch Bryn, it's like watching Jake as a toddler all over again. (My parents say the same about me though.. Jake and I were about the same kid it sounds like... we are in trouble come college years.. hehe)
Bryn has been pretty perfect with our newborn. Here she is meeting her baby sister for the first time. She squealed.. she "tickled" her (Imagine a one year old saying "cuchi cuchi coooo" in the highest, sweetest voice ever!), and she gave her daddy a big hug for giving her a baby. THE sweetest!
She can be a little rough.. and she is going through a hitting phase right now and has actually hit Vivian in the chest because I wouldn't let her have her pacifier.. oy! But, I honestly expected worse. She kisses her, she rocks her, and at times.. she's oblivious to her. Bryn really hasn't changed her stride. She does her own thing. And when she wants to be read to, she will bring the book to the available parents. She doesn't really throw a fit if she brings the book to me and I have to say "Daddy will read it to you!". She just does it! The unfortunate thing is that Bryn is going through that hitting phase at the same time as Vivian being introduced into our family. Maybe she started this phase because of Vivi OR maybe it is just a coincidence.. but I hate that punishments really started for her when Vivi came into her life. We will get through it, just makes me sad at times. But hitting is SO not okay! Neither is "poking"..
All week, I have had NO pain. Like, I felt great. Late Friday night, I started having really awful pain. A week after delivery. I knew it was strange because it was a sudden and worse than even right after I delivered. I put a heating pad on and took some pain medicine and went to sleep. I felt fine until I moved in the morning. Yikes. Lots of pain. I called my mom and she took me to the hospital. My poor sleep deprived hubby was home with both girls (after being up all night with Vivi).. and was an absolute super dad! He's the best! Long story short, after lots of tests and lots of pain medication and many hours in the ER, they diagnosed me with an infection (possibly endometriosis.. but never specifically said.. I wasn't super impressed with my OB). Initially, they threw around the idea of having D&C, a brief surgical procedure, to help with the pain and look to see if there was any part of the placenta left in there and admitting me. But, the OB decided to treat with just antibiotics and pain medication and letting me go home. Even though I was super happy not to be stuck at the hospital, My parents and I both were nervous. Like, I had been jumping out of my skin in pain.. unrelieved by a LOT of IV pain medication. But, off we went. Because we thought I may end up back in the hospital that night, my parents took my babies overnight so that Jake would be free to take me back if needed and.. I was about worthless. One week after giving birth, and I had to spend the night away from my newborn. Rough. The girls obviously had a terrible time at my parents.. hehehe
After 15 hours, yes FIFTEEN HOURS of sleep, antibiotics and pain medication.. I started feeling better. I'm not at 100% yet, but I'm getting there.
Loved getting the pick up these beautiful faces Sunday morning. Gosh, they really hold Jake and I together in scary times!!!
Her shirt says "best sister ever" hehehe
I even had time this week to organize and disperse the millions of toys we had in our family room. Here is the "before".. SO many toys.. TOO many..
We kept about a third of the toys in our family room.. (Heyyy lil Vivi)..
A third were put in her room..
Stuffed animal corner..
Heyyyyy Brynny Boo Boo!!

Bryn loves playing in her room, except.. there were no toys.. so now she can hang out in there
We took all the books with thin pages that Bryn only tears up right now.. and put them at the top of Vivi's closet. Bryn loves books, but isn't quite ready for these..
Kitchen to the left, Family room to the right.. perfect spot for her board books!
The other third of toys went into our basement.. which I didn't get around to taking a picture of. She has most of her "climbing" toys down there because there is carpet and we don't worry as much about her falling. Eventually, we will utilize our basement more and make it a playroom, but for now.. we are mostly in our family room and the basement is for when we have friends over.
Well, that's all for now! We will see how I feel after a week by myself with a newborn! I'm feeling hopeful though! ;-)
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