When I decided I wanted to start blogging, I stumbled across a couple of cute moms who blog. I really enjoy their blogs and they have fun little topics that they do. One of them is "Friday Favorites". This is my first week "linking up".. and I'm kinda, sorta SUPER excited about it!
{ONE} This week I have been watching Grey's, a lot! I stopped watching it about 3 or 4 years ago when life got too busy to keep up with a show, and I totally regret not keeping up with it because I LOVE it! It reminds me of watching it at home with my college roommates. We would get our popcorn and wine and curl up on the couch and watch it together. We would laugh and cry. I had the best roomies!!! "It's them, them and their stupid boy penises".
Vivian is a really good newborn and really doesn't cry, but has been a bit fussy when I put her down. So, a Grey's Anatomy and snuggling week is JUST what I needed.
{TWO} This week I went to First Watch for the first time in FOREVER with my friend Morgan and her son, Roman (Side note: She calls him Row Row.. which is what I call my little brother.. and I'm pretty sure they are equally sweet.. it just makes me smile..). Morgan was able to meet Vivi, even though she slept through breakfast. We both ordered their NEW Avocado Toast. HOLY MOLY! Hold the phone, it was SO good. I eat an english muffin with avocado every single morning for breakfast.. so it is kinda strange that I even ordered it. But, I am SOOOO GLAD I did. Seriously, people, just do it. It comes with two basted eggs. And it's heaven. Straight HEAVEN.
At the end of breakfast, we both ordered their new "juice".. it was carrot, ginger, lemon, and other deliciousness. I have to say it again.. HOLY FREAKING MOLY! So fresh, so delicious. I'm going to have to get my juicer out this weekend and try to replicate it. Our server said they have a new industrial juicer and will be making more. I can't wait!!!
{THREE} So, as I said before in my January goals.. I wanted to start dry brushing and using coconut oil. Dry brushing is uncomfortable at first.. but it really is something I'm starting to look forward to. I usually do it twice a week prior to showering. I would like to do it more, but I just simply forget sometimes! I focus mostly on where I have stretch marks, but I also run it over the rest of my body. It's supposed to firm and detox your body. I've even read it gives you more energy. I should have taken before pictures of my stretch marks so I could compare. Thus far, I see a slight difference on my thighs. However, in the least.. it's a really great exfoliant and I have actually come to look forward to dry brushing. This is what my dry brush looks like ..
You can get it at a health foods store. Researching the benefits, I found this picture of results
Yes, Please!!!! :-) After I shower, I rub coconut oil pretty much everywhere and put my PJs over it. I use coconut oil 5-6 days a week. It's definitely my FAVORITE! I just get mine at Kroger. I heat it up in the microwave for 30 seconds for easier application (and who doesn't love WARM oil on your body?!, but you can even rub it in your hands and it melts. I love it. LOVE IT.
{FOUR} Naturally, my Friday favorites have to include my two little favorite people. Vivian has had longer periods of awake time this week. It's been so fun! I haven't been as productive as I had previously been, but I don't mind that either! ;-) She loves sucking on that lower lip. She gives me a lot of "Zoolander" looks. She coo's a TON! My baby is so fun!
Bryn has been so good this week. Last night, Jake and I were folding laundry.. and she helped out by throwing a bunch of it on the floor, randomly handing us some, then getting in the laundry basket. She is a hoot. These girls are my FAVORITE!

{FIVE} I finally went to Baby's R Us to look at double strollers. I really had my mind set on a jogging stroller that was back and front seated. However, those are about $500. No joke. How ridiculous!!!! I found this stroller (the one I got it turquoise and grey) and Vivian's car seat will snap in the top until she is big enough to sit in it herself. Jake's work gave us a $200 gift card to Baby's R Us.. and I had a 15% off coupon.. so I only spend $20 of my own money. I was pumped! But still, this stroller was originally $300. Baby stuff is so overpriced.
That's it for now!!
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