Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Organizing Baby Clothes

I was getting sick of sifting through the girls winter clothes to get to their light Spring clothes.. so yesterday, I decided get organized. And it was NO easy feat. Seriously.. sun up to sun down.. I was knees deep in kids clothes. (It also snowed yesterday.. WHAT IN THE WORLD!?!?)

Side Note: If you are reading this, do no.. I repeat DO NOT buy Vivian summer clothes. She has TWO totes of summer clothes. TWO. After summer last year, Laura's sister-in-law gave me a bunch of clothes that Bryn wasn't able to wear.. so she has those. This week, our friend Ruthie gave us clothes (and... thank the Lord.. Bryn probably would be running around naked if not).. and a lot of those were good for Vivi's summer.. and then she ALSO has Bryn's hand-me-downs.The girl has a wardrobe that I'm jealous of for summer.
Vivian is in 3 months or 3-6 months for Spring and if you are dying to buy for her (which.. have ya met Jake's family? They have a need to shop! ;-)) .. that's what she could use. Bryn needs 18 months for Spring.. and probably 24 months for Summer. And those ARE a need.
Also.. no swimsuits.. for either girl. At this point.. I'm almost positive they each have a swimsuit for every single day of the summer.. no repeats. 

ANYWAYS. So I brought up ALL of the clothes I have packed away.. because I wasn't very good about putting them away according to when Vivian will need them. I have 3 whole trash bags of girl newborn-3 months (and some bigger) of Goodwill stuff. I have 3 boxes of newborn-3 months to keep. We don't PLAN on having another winter baby.. and we are kinda hoping for a boy when we do (in a few years, ya'll.. I'm not crazy).. but..  God thinks my plans are hilarious.

I was laughing emptying out Bryn's room because I was packing things away that I will be getting out again in the Fall for Vivian.  Definitely getting our money's worth out of these clothes!!! ;-) Could NOT be happier with them being born the same time of year.. a year apart. It was tough on me.. but now.. It's a little bit like heaven.

Speaking of my babes, I know you are wondering HOW I got everything done yesterday with them around.. especially if you know my Tornado Bryn. They were ANGELS yesterday. Bryn played with hangers.. put them in a bucket.. then out.. then in.. then out..  Bryn isn't typically BAD. I don't have a bad toddler.. she is sweet.. but she is BUSY. I know, toddlers are busy.. but everyone says she is EXTRA busy. She's like a little boy. She climbs, growls, loves dirt.. and rarely plays with anything that resembles something she SHOULD play with. But yesterday, she was easy. And Vivian is always pretty simple. So this mama got it all done!

I used these to store everything (well, what I could.. I need to buy more). If you are a mom, or expecting to be a mom, or wear clothes.. you need these!!! They store so much, stack easily, and take up MUCH less room. I love them!!!!!

On my week's "To Do" list.. I had OUR room on the list for today.. to get rid of clothes.. organize. Yeah, freaking, right. My laundry is caught up.. my house is just now getting put together from abandoning all other chores yesterday.. and I am OVER folding clothes. I'm taking today OFF (of clothes)!  Maybe tomorrow. ;-)

Last thing. Check out Katie's new page HERE. She re-purposes furniture.. creates one-of-a-kind home decor.. and she is all around talented.


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    1. Thank you so much!!! I'm working on getting more consistent with updating :-)
